Full Moon on the Lake Page 14
He was mated to Kyla, if this is how he felt mated, Jacob had his complete admiration and respect. Everyone left the room Michael giving search orders to those present. Eric seeing Mike not move grabbed Henderson following the others to Michael’s office.
Michael’s office was more than an office, it was as big as a small conference room with three other doors to other rooms. One to the left of his desk led to the armory. Another was a supply closet. The one on the right is where Serena sat in front of a large array of monitors covering the compound’s many different areas. But, she stared focused at one monitor wondering ‘what the hell?’ as she watched, Kyla hurriedly walk out, got in her car and drove away. What was so urgent she left in such a hurry yet, told no one she was leaving? She watched other monitors for clues, realized she was heading toward Waverly.
The commotion in the next room had her jumping up announcing “She went to Waverly!” As she burst through the doorway, then froze as Henderson was dragged in with Eric. She shrank down ready to pounce remembering the last time she had met him. Eric held up his hand to stop her. For a minute she just frozen remaining in her readied position. Slowly, she rose still in a tense and ready stance looking questioningly and defiantly at Eric for explanation. Eric watched her closely knowing she wanted revenge, “He is here to help.” Looked over to Henderson inquiringly, “Right?” he asked with one brow raised.
Henderson looked at the room, “My team and I will do anything we can do to help. When we first started working for Garret Bentley it was just regular mercenary work or so we thought. The more and more we learned about what we were actually doing, well let’s just say, we are fed up with the direction this job is heading. When Bentley assigned those other men to my team I should have showed better judgement.” He finished apological, looking angry and disheartened. He then turned resolutely and gave all the information he had and answered questions, determined to repent himself and his men.
Michael turned and handed orders to his team leaders to start a search of Waverly and the surrounding area. Mike opened his phone giving information and descriptions to the county and state sheriffs hoping to get roadblocks up before they left the area. The pack house was suddenly busy with activity as news spread that Kyla was missing very likely in danger.
Daniela sat there with Jacob when he jerked suddenly and looked at Thomas. Thomas jumped up and ran out the door to find out what was going on. Daniela’s phone chose to ring at that moment. Standing she dug it out of her pocket.
“Hello?” She asked wondering why Kyla was calling her.
“Hello darling, miss me?” the very slimy male answered. Daniela walked toward the door in shock,
“Garret!” she said breathlessly, “What do you want and where is Kyla?” she whispered demandingly not wanting to set Jacob off and worry him. Jacob hearing every word of both ends of the conversation, growled low.
“Why, she is here with me, safe and sound. She is a beautiful woman.” Garret said in his sickly sweet voice then changing to a threating voice, “And, I might consider letting her go… if I had someone to take her place.”
Daniela felt suddenly frighten and defeated, “Please don’t hurt her, I’m coming.” She whispered into the phone.
“Good girl! You have one hour, tell no one or she is dead.” After giving her implicit instructions, the phone went dead.
She turned putting the phone back in her pocket, placed a smile on her face with the intention of giving Jacob a calm façade. Saw the anger on his face and knew he had heard everything. “You are not going to meet him alone!” He growled low and menacing.
“I have to Jacob, I am sorry he will kill her if I don’t.” She looked down at her hands, “I am sorry,” Then looked up with painful tears of dismay in her eyes, “Remember I will always love you.” Turned and ran out the door.
Jacob roared her name in frustrated anguish. Trying hard to maintain control, telling his wolf they would not be able to really help her if they changed. His wolf so livid roared and paced within the confines of the walls in Jacobs mind. Jacob knew if he lost it now he may never come back, roared urgently, “Thomas!”
Thomas came running back into the room to update Jacob on what was going on, slid to a stop at the look on his face. He look around the room noticing Daniela was missing, and discerned Jacob obviously already knew.
“Let. Me. Out!” Jacob ordered in his most Alpha voice. Thomas started to move toward the door when he heard,
“Stand Down!” Roared behind him.
Derrick stood in the doorway. Angry. Jacob and Derrick stood there staring at each other, Thomas, an alpha in his own right wisely moved out of the way, the power in the room so strong and stifling. Derick took a couple of steps into the room keeping his eyes on Jacob held his hand open toward Thomas. Thomas placed the keys in his hand and backed away further.
“How much control do you have?” Derrick asked scrutinizing Jacob.
“I am keeping it together; my wolf and I have an understanding. I keep control if we want to get Daniela and Kyla back, then we mate.”
Derrick smiled at his order of importance then became serious, “We need your help. I need to know you can keep it together. I do not have time to babysit you. I understand how important this is and now have a better understanding of the lack of control you have been fighting. Therefore, I will ask you again. How well are you really keeping control of your wolf?”
Jacob ran his hand across his face looked up at Derrick, “My wolf is close to the edge but, if we do nothing it will make him worse. We need to be involved to keep control.” Derrick stared at Jacob a moment longer than inserted the key into the lock on the door and opened it. Jacob nodded to his friend in thanks.
As Derrick turned and headed for the door he spoke rapidly and precise, “This is what we know so far……..”
Derrick walked into Michael’s office which had been turned into a command center, phones ringing, people running in and out, a map on the wall where pins were being placed. Jacob followed Derrick into the room, “What have we found out so far?” Derrick asked as he walked in.
Michael turned pointing at the map in front of him, “Here are all the places cleared so far. No sign of Kyra,” he paused looking at Jacob, “or Daniela. As of right now. We are sending out sweepers to all areas to find any and all clues we can.”
“Good, Jacob is to be on one of the recovery teams, he, his wolf and I have reach an agreement.” The People in the room stopped long enough to look and find Jacob standing there and smiled.
“We got something Sir!” Jace stood excitedly from one of the consoles exclaiming. “Kyla’s car has been found off county road 88. Sir,” He continued cautiously, “there was a dead woman found at the site,” with the look on Derrick’s face becoming worried he returned rapidly,
“It is not Kyla, Sir they are not sure who it is. We have called the sheriff’s office to take control of the body.”
Relieved Derrick enquired, “What else do they have?” “They found Kyla’s cell, it looked like she had attempted to call you.” Momentarily side tracked Jace paused and started talking into the phone, “Yes, I will let him know, Thank you. Call back if anything new is found.” and hung up, “Sir, they said she never got a chance to hit the send button.” Jace retreated back into the computer room.
Derrick ran his hands through his hair as Jacob offered, “Has anyone traced Daniela’s cell yet?”
Jacob looked questioningly at Derrick when no one answered, looked at Michael. Michael yelled for Eric in the computer room. Popping his head back out the door, Eric opened his mouth to tell them they had not found anything on the surveillance tapes but was interrupted,
“Eric, have you traced Daniela’s Phone?” Michael inquired. Eric looked stunned for a second turn back into the room mumbling to himself, “Stupid, stupid.”
Michael, Derrick and Jacob followed him into the room. Eric sat at one of the consoles and pulled up a GPS program on one of the sc
reens. Hitting a few commands inserted Daniela’s number in the window and pushed search. The search icon came up and rolled through the process seeming to take forever. Finally a map of where they were at appeared on the screen and shifted to the west over Camp Hill, then south toward the airport. Eric looked up, “They are heading to the airport.”
Derrick turn yelling instructions “Get whoever is closest out there now! Do not let them take off!” As he turned running out the door after Jacob. Both men now heading to the garage.
Michael continued with the instructions by adding, “Get everyone out there now. Notify Sheriff Jamison and tell him to meet us there. Send me all the information you can!” He ordered as he grab his PDA and followed Derrick out.
Those not needed to stay behind ran to the garage as well. The one thing those idiots did not take into account and were ignorant to the knowledge of, or to even consider it relevant in their planning was how close this pack is. That would be a big mistake in their scheming. A fatal mistake.
The Garage was an organized mess as Michael walked in. Weapons were being handed out to those unarmed as well as the keys to the ready vehicles. Michael being always armed took the keys from Derrick, with eyebrow raised gave him a look and got in the driver’s side. Everyone shuffled as Derrick got in the front passenger seat, Jacob behind him. Michael put the car in reverse just as the last person got in and headed toward the road to 280.
A line of black SUVs raced down the dirt road to highway 88. At the intersection not one stopped before racing northwest onto the highway. As the last entered the highway, the sheriff’s car came hot on their tails from the southwest, following them to the airport. Derrick sat in the lead car wishing Michael would go faster glanced at the speedometer then toward Jacob. At over ninety miles per hour, Jacob knew they would be there in five minutes, even that seemed like too long a time.
Everyone in ever car knew what they were expected to do once they got there, last minute checks of ammunition, the of checking safeties, extra magazines and gear was checked and double checked as the cars speed along the road. No one had hoped to need them, and under different circumstances knew they would not have be needed. However, circumstances were not in their favor.
Garret stood gratified he would get his revenge in the hanger at the airport waiting impatiently for Kate to arrive. That group that thought to keep her away from him was going to learn exactly who he was and what he was capable of doing, to get what he wanted. He looked down at Kyla’s unconscious body lying on the couch in the office. He smiled then glanced out the office window into the hanger at his plane being readied for take-off. The door to the private office opens and a man walks in, “Sir, the plane is fueled and ready to go.” “Good,” Garret stated as he turned toward the couch, “Put her on the plane.” He smiled smugly as the guard picked up Kyla, “They will regret crossing me.” He snarled under his breath.
Kate slowed as she got to the gate at the small airport. She stopped just before entering. Looking hopeful in her purse, she pulled out the gun and checked the clip once more. Leaning forward in the seat, she slid the gun into waist band of her pants behind her back. Smoothing her shirt, then her jacket down she hit the gas, determined she was going to kill Garret and protect everyone he could ever hurt. She was going to save Kyla if it was the last thing she would do. Kate knew Garret would never trade her for Kyla, she knew how evil a man she had been married to could be. Knew he could never be trusted to keep his word.
Kate pulled through the gate and drove across the airport to the hanger on the far side of the airport. The plans of what she would do running rapidly through her mind. Praying she thought of all the possible contingencies of what could go wrong, shifting and settling in easy access in her mind. She slowed as she got closer stalling for more time, for more courage. Kate pulled up to the hanger, she took a deep breath and stopped the car. The door to the hanger opened, Garret smiled at her in the doorway. No one moved as they just stared at each other. Blowing out her breath as Garret raised an eyebrow, she opened the door.
Kate held her hands confidently at her side hoping not give her nervousness away as she walked warily up to Garret. He stepped back into the hanger leaving the door open for her to walk through. Hesitantly, Kate took a step toward the hanger door and stopped in the doorway, quickly reorganizing the order of her thoughts. Taking a deep breath, she stepped through the door.
“Garret, where is Kyla?” she questioned looking around the hanger.
“She’s here. She is on the plane.” Kate looked at the plane then to Garret,
“Let. Her. Go.”
“Kate, you know I can’t do that. They have to be taught a lesson.” He turned toward the plane walking away, “You cannot take what is mine and expect to get away with it.”
Kate moved her hand down to move it behind to get her gun, but before she could, she was grabbed from behind. “Garret!” she screamed just before she felt the needle pressed into her neck. “Jacob.” she whispered lost. Despair and failure filled her last thoughts as everything went dark.
Michael pulled up to the gate just as Daniela rounded the corner of the hanger across the field. He looked over at the Derrick and smiled and nodded, assured they had gotten here before Garret had taken off in the plane with the girls. Grabbing the walkie he gave the orders, “A team with Derrick, B go around the right side and cover with Jacob, D team cover the back with me. Let’s go get them!” He finished as he gunned the gas.
The vehicles fanned out as they went through the gate and crossed the field getting as close as they dared, stopping 200 yards from the targeted hanger. The sheriff continued on as decoy for the teams heading for the front of the hanger. He was going to make sure the law was followed as closely as possible, knowing with this type of man, they would be lucky if no one died today.
Men dashed out of the cars going in three different directions as Sheriff Jameson drove by. Jamison nodded as he passed Derrick then stopped behind Daniela’s car. Checked his gun as he called in his position and the need for backup on the radio and opened the car door. Standing with the car between himself and the opening he shouted, “Garret Bentley; Come out with your hands up! This is the sheriff.” Thinking this should get interesting as he looked from one place to another to see that everyone was getting in position. Silence answered him as he waited patiently for a reply.
Jamison looked over at Derrick and started to walk to the door. Unexpectedly, there was the roar of an airplane engine and the large hanger doors opened. Jamison ran over into the path of the plane to block its progress, as the plane moved forward out of the hanger. The plane continued forward as shots rang out around him, first from inside the hanger, then return from outside. He dove to the ground toward cover.
Michael yelled, “Hit the tires!!!”
Everyone’s aim headed south. The sound of tires blowing and the plane inched forward slowing then stopped. All the shooting stopped waiting to see what Garrets next move would be. Derrick’s group stepped out and stood by Jamison, his control on his wolf edgy at best.
After moments seeming like hours, the door on the side of the airplane opened. Garret stepped in the doorway with Kate over his shoulder as a shield and stared at the group. A roar was heard coming from the other side of the hanger, Derrick knew it was Jacob. A gun flash up from Garrets hand and he placed it on Kate’s back near her heart, and smiled. Taking careful steps down stairs of the plane, he nodded to one of the men on the ground. The guard ran for the limo in the hanger and started the engine. Jacob seeing the man in the car aimed and shot toward one of the tires, missed. Garret pulled back the hammer on his gun in warning. Behind him from inside the plane came another man with Kyla in front of him awake but very groggy.
“We wouldn’t want to do anything harsh now would we?” He smiled as he nodded to the other man to follow.
Derrick roared in frustration, his wolf pushing to the front with the need to protect. Garret moved raising an eye brow in c
onfusion, keeping the smile of confidence on his face. Slowly he continued his descent down the stairs with Kate, Kyla just behind him. Jamison and the pack kept very still, with guns aimed at Garret and the other men. Suddenly a shout erupted the quiet,
“Jacob! NO!” someone yelled into the silence. Suddenly there was a large wolf in the hanger.
Jamison knew it was too late to control the situation as more wolves appeared in the hanger as well as men. This needed to end before other officers showed up. Garret stood frozen in fear at what he had witnessed, men changing into wolves. With the suddenly reality of his situation, Garret ran toward the limo that pulled up between him and the closest wolf. As he reached for the door the large wolf impossibly jumped over the car at him, as shots rang out again all over the hanger.
The man holding Kyla dropped her as the wolf attacked, Kyla falling uncontrollable toward the floor. He instinctively shot toward the wolf and hit it in the shoulder. Before he could fire off another shot another bigger wolf jumped grabbing him by the throat and ripped it out. The man who had held Kyla, lay on the floor in a growing pool of blood dead, a look of horrored surprise frozen on his face. Wolves and men attacked each other in complete chaos inside the hanger as those who did not change covered the wolves. Men screamed and yelps were heard as some of the wolves and bullets hit there marks.
The driver in the limo realized he would not get out of this alive, turned off the car as the last of Garret’s men fell. He looked out the window, and opened the door slowly as more wolves converged toward the car. Stepping out he looked at Garret pitifully and put his hands up in surrender. He saw the look of pure evil as Garret shot him. Garret allowed Kate to slide down in front of him as he placed his back to the limo.
Holding Kate’s limp body around the chest Garret placed the gun to her head. Jacob’s wolf whined as lowered himself to the ground. If Garret shot her he would kill him. He halted ready to pounce the second there was an opportunity. The wolf that stood protectively over Kyla growled. Garret smiled thinking what an advantage he would have with an army of men who could turn into wolves.